Hi Anand here,
Runi and I have just landed in Melbourne to begin preparing for this Sunday's class in "The Art Of Organic Gourmet Raw food preparation" Sharing these classes is such a buzz for me and doesn't feel like "work" at all. I can't think of anything else I would rather be doing, however, this wasn't the case......................
Two years ago I was working in the admin department of a local Steiner School with lovely people in a beautiful environment and yet for the last 6 months working there I really had to drag myself to work each day, I simply wasn't enthusiastic about what I was doing anymore and I would go surfing for 2 hours each evening after work just to feel alive again. At this point in time I was very much on a raw food path, running breathwork groups on my days off and doing a raw food market stall with my housemates and DJing on the weekends. I felt trapped in my job but couldn't see a clear way out and I was seduced by the security of having a reliable income.
It was during one of the breathwork groups I was leading that I asked everyone to write down something they would like attract into their life. I asked them to be very specific and to put a date by when they would like to have reached their goal. I thought it was probably a good idea to do this as well, so I wrote down that in 3 months time I would like to have left the
Steiner School and be working full-time doing what I love - sharing the rawfood lifestyle message, holding classes, retreats and making a good living from it. I couldn't see how I could possibly achieve this goal in 3 months time from where I stood. I didn't end up reaching the goal in 3 months, however, within 5 months time I had dived into the unknown and left my job not knowing how I was going to support myself, but trusting I would find a way. The market stall ( which I have now sold) blossomed as did the classes and retreats and I knew I was on track.
Steiner School and be working full-time doing what I love - sharing the rawfood lifestyle message, holding classes, retreats and making a good living from it. I couldn't see how I could possibly achieve this goal in 3 months time from where I stood. I didn't end up reaching the goal in 3 months, however, within 5 months time I had dived into the unknown and left my job not knowing how I was going to support myself, but trusting I would find a way. The market stall ( which I have now sold) blossomed as did the classes and retreats and I knew I was on track.
I am sharing this with you because, I think you will agree most people would like to have greater health and vitality and many talk about eating healthier food, though few actually succeed in actually doing it! Our habits of behaviour over time become ingrained whether they are serving us or not and sometimes it really takes a determined effort to make a positive change. I have found that understanding and applying the Law Of Attraction is a very powerful way to facilitate change in my life so I would like to go a littler further into this now.
I guess you have probably seen or heard about "The Secret" A film which explains this universal "law of attraction": simply put, whatever you focus on you attract into your life - be it what you want or what you don't want. What I didn't realise when I first saw it was that much of "The Secret's" content was taken from the communications of Abraham Hicks. When I heard this I sought out the teachings of Abraham Hicks and have found them to be full of very practical insights. Where "The Secret" describes what the law of attraction is, Abraham Hicks explains how to use it.
Applying this principle (the law of attaction) to health and a living food lifestyle, it makes sense if you want greater health and well-being that you begin to visualise what a radiantly healthy "you" would look like and feel like. Also along the same lines the power of association is incredibly powerful especially when wanting to make a significant change in your life. I was very lucky that when I went onto a raw food diet my whole house hold did it as well! This is not possible for everyone, so what I recommend is if you are really interested in making a transition to healthier, happier living, begin to associate with others who are already treading the path you are wanting to take. Join raw food meetup groups, raw food picnics and if this is not possible join online raw food communities, go to raw classes and retreats, immerse yourself in raw books, DVD's,
audio and search the net for info. There is a vast amount of information available. Just last week the very lovely and inspirational Angela Stokes introduced us to a very cool online raw community http://giveittomeraw.com/ where you can meet others aspiring to a raw lifestyle online.
Here is a photo of Runi at our October 2007 Melbourne class at Ross House in the city.
May you be inspired and inspiring and may you attract everything you truly want into your life!
Love peace and deliciously good health to you.
Applying this principle (the law of attaction) to health and a living food lifestyle, it makes sense if you want greater health and well-being that you begin to visualise what a radiantly healthy "you" would look like and feel like. Also along the same lines the power of association is incredibly powerful especially when wanting to make a significant change in your life. I was very lucky that when I went onto a raw food diet my whole house hold did it as well! This is not possible for everyone, so what I recommend is if you are really interested in making a transition to healthier, happier living, begin to associate with others who are already treading the path you are wanting to take. Join raw food meetup groups, raw food picnics and if this is not possible join online raw food communities, go to raw classes and retreats, immerse yourself in raw books, DVD's,
Here is a photo of Runi at our October 2007 Melbourne class at Ross House in the city.
May you be inspired and inspiring and may you attract everything you truly want into your life!
Love peace and deliciously good health to you.
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