Saturday, January 26, 2008

Hippocrates, Elaine Hollingsworth and Green drinks

Today I went to pick up a dear friend from Hippocrates Health Centre Of Australia in Mudgeeraba, Gold Coast hinterland. I took the back road from Murwillumbah which is a stunning drive. This photo is taken from the "Best Of All Lookout" near Springbrook which offers breathtaking views of the Wollumbin (Mt Warning) volcanic caldera and beyond. The walk to the lookout was through a mystical forest of ancient Antarctic Beech trees said to be 2000+ years old!

This is such magical part of the world and it was the land itself which
drew me here 22 years ago.

At Hippocrates I had the total pleasure of meeting the delightful Elaine Hollingsworth, author, health crusader, co-founder of Hippocrates Australia, former Hollywood movie star and a very passionate and inspirational woman. Elaine told me she has been taking great care of herself since the age of 19 by avoiding many of the pitfalls of a modern diet and lifestyle and it really shows!!! This photo of Elaine was taken in 2004 at the age of 76! Now at the age of 79 (or there abouts) Elaine is 100% committed to revealing the truth about health and exposing the corruption and lies which are being spread by big business (in particular pharmaceutical companies) I am half way through reading her book “Take Control of Your Health and Escape the Sickness Industry” which is bordering on revolutionary in what it reveals about health, disease and the "sickness industry"I highly recommend you get your hands on a copy. You can buy it from her wonderfully informative website We also will be carrying her book in the very near future.

Green Juice verses Green Smoothie
When I first began a raw lifestyle 5 years ago nearly every day I would have a green juice made from plenty of dark leafy green veges, celery, cucumber and a little carrot or apple. Over the past year or so I have favoured the green smoothie which is much quicker to make. Both the green smoothie and green juice are awesome drinks and both offer similar and different benefits. The green smoothie as well as delivering much needed chlorophyll, minerals and nutrients also
includes the plant fibre which is so great for pulling toxins from the bowel. While the green juice a massive dose of pure nutrition which goes straight to your cells with minimal digestion needed.

For a change I had one litre of green juice today and I remembered why I used to have them
everyday. Within seconds of drinking it my cells are dancing, tingling in gratitude and I am infused with a calm yet vibrant energy which lasts for hours. This is amazing stuff! To make my green juice I use an Oscar Vitalmax which is an augur juicer that slowly "chews" the vegetables while maintaining there nutritional value (unlike centrifugal juicers which spin at high speed causing the veges to oxidise and over heat.)

I find green juice is the most wonderful elixir to have after indulging in food which did not totally agree with me, like too much raw chocolate (which we have been experimenting with a lot of late!!!)

I find the green juice incredibly cleansing and healing while the
green smoothie is more sustaining and building. Experiment, they are both divine.

If you are interested in learning how easy it is to make raw macadamia nut or Brazil nut butter click HERE to watch my first ever demo video on you tube.

Love peace blessings and deliciously good health!


1 comment:

Frank Castiglione said...

I'm so glad I found your blog. It's awesome!! I will definitely try making the nut butters.