It looks innocent enough, however, on close inspections it shows that this bakery chain are selling pink buns, filled with sugar, white flour and artificial colourings and are then giving 100% of the profits are going to Breast Cancer Australia Network. So what is wrong with that picture? Well, for a start they are selling nutritionally dead food with ingredients which would probably feed cancer plus a myriad of other conditions from obesity to diabetes.
It reminds me of a Tim Tam campaign for breast cancer which was happening a few months ago. Well meant intentions no doubt, but to me totally bizarre seeing junk food companies supporting cancer organisations!
I went to the Breast Cancer Australia network website and suggested there was a certain incongruity here. I will let you know their response. I also told them about the free Green Smoothie Challenge which begins this Wednsday May 21st.
Be well
Yes, everyone's jumping on the bandwagon. I'm sure at least some of them mean well, but it really demonstrates a complete lack of understanding about what causes cancer and (as far as I'm concerned) a lack of knowledge on how the "sickness" industry works, i.e. tell the public you're looking for a cure but don't really come out with one because there's too much money to be made in treating the disease. The sooner people realise this, the better off they will be.
I TOTALLY AGREE! I have noticed this inconsistency for sometime and have been slightly infuriated by it!
Not only is the food dead, but it is deadly - see here Cancer fundraising buns linked to disease: advocate where it is said that the dyes used in the pink icing have been linked to breast cancer and are banned in every other country in the world!
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