Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Lorne Class and Green Smoothie Challenge

We are now back from an awesome raw class and lunch for 150 in
Lorne, Victoria and are already preparing for Auckland. Again I would like to knowledge the incredible support we received, this time from my mum, Anne (on the right) my sister Catherine (third from left) who let us take over her kitchen for 2 and 1/2 days Geraldine (far left) and Shey 2nd from left. Holding a gourmet raw lunch and class for 150 is a huge operation and it went so smoothly - thankyou all!!!!!!

Green Smoothie Challenge
We have had an overwhelming response to the Green Smoothie Challenge. If you would like to volunteer in any way to help make this happen I would love to hear from you. You can email me at or call 0412 723 577 (Australia) or +61 412 723 577 for international calls. We are still looking for someone to build a simple website and someone to work on art work/logo.

In case you haven't heard I am involved in an awesome course called Self Expression and Leadership with Landmark Education and the course involves creating a non-profit community project. It is from this that I have created the “Green Smoothie Challenge” which aims to create the possibility of vibrant health and empowerment for all who participate. My goal is to have 5000 people drinking green smoothies by June 5th 2008! and to record the results and testimonials and really increase public awareness of the amazing benefits of living foods and of course the Green Smoothie. We are going to hold national press releases across Australia and make sure this information reaches as many people as possible

If any of you have any feedback or suggestions I would love to hear. I have registered (not up yet) and will be giving away recipes and support. The world needs this information!!! Australia is a very sick country as are most other developed nations, and there is absolutely no reason it should continue to be this way.

Love peace blessings and deliciously good health!


Sunday, March 9, 2008

Time flies........

I would like to publicly express gratitude for all the help we have received over the past few weeks. Holding large raw food classes is a team effort and we couldn't have done it without the amazing support we received in Adelaide from Sufio, Remedy Fiona and V and in Brisbane with Michael, Kate, Ishka and Neroli! Thankyou!!!!!!! xxxoooxxx

Wow, it's been over 2 weeks since our last blog entry. In that time we have held a corporate training class in Adelaide for 70 and a public class in Brisbane for 45 and at the same time we are beginning 2 community projects which are part of the Self Expression and Leadership program Runi and I are doing with Landmark Education! We are really excited about these non-profit community projects and they both provide a great opportunity for any of you who would like to contribute to the health and wellbeing of our communities in a meaningful way. Runi's project is "Rawcovery" and mine is "The Green Smoothie Challenge".
We will be sharing lots more about these as they come to life. In the meantime if you want to find out more we have shared them in detail in our most recent e-newsletter.

Tomorrow we leave for Melbourne to hold another corporate class for 150 at Lorne we are then back for 2 weeks before leaving for Auckland for another class - so please excuse any lapses in our blogging :-)

Cansema continued
2 blog entries ago I shared about this herbal concoction called cancema which is meant to eat away skin cancers. Since mentioning it I have received a couple of reports of people having not such good experiences with it - including scarring and infections. My experience has been positive so far and here is a photo of the scar after 2 weeks. I will let you know how it continues to heal and whether the growth I had above my eye returns.

Love and blessings to all
