Today Runi and I broke a 2 and a half day juice fast/feast. Wow, I am impressed that some people like Angela Stokes lasted
92 days on her
juice feast. That's
3 months on liquids!!!I always find day 2 of a fast the most difficult - head aches, tired, grumpy, fuzzy brain. (especially if I am working) Often I feel like lying down and resting. Runi is quite different: she seems to power through day 2 almost effortlessly. During the feast/fast we drank around 4 litres of fresh juice each day. Around 50% green vegetable juice (with a small amount of carrot) and around 50% fruit juice - mostly

watermelon with a little fresh green coconut. We found with the watermelon we could either put it through our trusty
Oscar Vital Max juicer or blend it in our
Powermill blender and then strain it through a nut milk bag.
I always feel so rejuvenated and fresh after fasting (even though I may complain during it!) It really gives the body a rest from digestion and the chance to clean out and heal and it shows in shining eyes and glowing skin and a sense of well-being.
I was recently passed on a couple of free raw e-book links which I will pass on to you now. One from the original raw food trail-blazer Anne Wigmore on Jim Carey's (not the actor's) raw blog (
click here to download) and the other from Revvellations (
click here to download)
Also, if you missed it our newsletter, you can be our guest for to an inspirational evening with the genius of Don Tolman (Gold Coast, Sydney, Melbourne and Perth) for free tickets while they last. All you need to do is enter our privilege code
POWER when you book your tickets at
Fortune Events and your $89 tickets will become free! I spoke about Don in our newsletter so I won't say any more here except GO! Click
here to book your tickets.
If you haven't seen our "how to make raw nut butter" video yet I have included it at the end of this blog post. Since making the video I have discovered you can also make raw almond butter (yum) the same way- it just takes longer in the
food processor (around 10 minutes). We soak our almonds for at least 8 hours to release anti nutrients and enzyme inhibitors and then dehydrate them at 45C in our
Excalibur dehydrator until crunchy around 36 hours.

This last photo of 2 green tree frogs was taken at 2am out the front of our house. Does anyone know is this just an innocent hug or piggy back or is there more to this? I was returning home from a
Landmark Education course in Brisbane. If you are interested in realising your greatness this lifetime I highly recommend you check out Landmark. Their courses are incredibly transformational. I will share more about my experiences with Landmark in later blogs. In the meantime if you are curious here's a little more about what they offer:
"Landmark Education is a global educational enterprise committed to the fundamental principle that people have the possibility of success, fulfillment, and greatness. The ideas, insights, and distinctions on which Landmark Education's courses are based and the results it has produced make Landmark a leader and innovator in the field of training and development.
The work of Landmark Education is the product of extensive research and development in individual and organizational effectiveness and communication. Landmark uses its leading-edge educational methodology to enable people to produce extraordinary results and enhance the quality of their lives.
Headquartered in San Francisco, Landmark offers programs around the world. Hundreds of thousands of people on five continents have participated in Landmark's programs. Find out what people say about Landmark Education."
Below is the "How to make fresh raw nut butter" video starring yours truly.
Love, peace and deliciously good health
P.S. Runi will soon be sharing more of her story with before and after photos - stay tuned in.